We've got your home workout equipment sorted. Worldwide shipping available, FREE shipping to the USA!

Welcome to SOMA Fitness Depot!

You don't need a gym to get a great workout! We've got strength bands and fitness equipment to suit all levels.

The Essentials

No Gym Required

Workout From Home

SOMA Fitness Depot specialize in providing high quality exercise equipment that you can use at home. Our equipment offers a variety of effective bodyweight exercises that can help you build strength, endurance and burn calories.

Get The Essentials

Finding the best home exercise equipment can be difficult, but certain workout and training items are far more essential than others. So whether you're just getting started or only have a small space to dedicate to your home gym, we've got you covered. 

The Essentials

Know What You Want

Before you start working out, it's important to understand what you intend to achieve. Knowing what you want from your workout gives you a goal, which in turn helps you persevere. Make sure the goals that you establish are specific and achievable. 

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